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Post Card from Hong Kong

Actually ini entry yg suppose i upkan lama dulu... hehehhe... remember entry yg i dapat surat from my fren dulu? This time around, i dapat postcard pulak :-)

cantik tak postcard ni???
My friend is so sweet :-) ingat jugak dia kat i... this post card was posted while she was in Hong Kong.

TQ for such a sweet gesture Adah!
Well...I think this is the first time ever i dapat postcard from a friend. OK. I can write this off from my bucket list. Received a postcard from a friend, check! Hehehehe.

So... tell me... when was the last time u receive postcard from a friend???


  1. my first postcard received from my dear Mimi when she was in Germany. hihihi

    1. ceh...kat kakak sendiri dia x bagik pon.... kekekeke :-P

  2. Tak pernah! Usually dapat postcard from my husband - bila pergi vacation, dia akan hantar poscard ke rumah sendiri, di tujukan for me, padahal I ada sekali pergi dengan dia. Haha!

    1. hahahah... ok la tu...ada kenangan dari tempat vacation tu :-)

  3. last time dapat poscard tak ingat pon bila T__T but receiving mails from friends 12 tahun yang lalu! lama sangat! sejak ada email ni, excited sangat dapat surat and poscard kan? time flies so fast!

    1. betui zura... i was so excited masa dapat surat and postcard... a dying culture indeed ;-)

  4. cantik postcard cute...jln2 blogwalking
    jemput follow blog i ye

  5. ida tak pernah dapat poskad HAHHAHA

    1. meh alamat ida, i pos kat u post card satu ;-) heheheh...

  6. cntik
    last zmn skolah kot.hihi

    skli skala layan mb best gak.hihi
    menu ala2 hidangan malaysia gitew.hihi


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