Closure = psychological terms that describe an individual's desire for a firm answer to a question and an aversion toward ambiguity. The term "need" denotes a motivated tendency to seek out information (sumber wiki).
Adat manusia, siapa yang suka tertanya-tanya... semua persoalan, mahukan jawapan. Sukar untuk menerima sesuatu tanpa ada jawapan yang muktamad.
Like us TTCian... we try all our effort just to know what is wrong with us that we can't conceive a baby yet? Pi jumpa doctor, pi berurut, berubat cara kampung/alternative. Just so that we got an answer what is wrong with us and what can we do about it.
Some got their answers, and some not. I always be thankful that at least I know my problem. Besides it's not our rezeki yet, at least i know how to overcome it. I have my path to choose and see my way in overcoming this. At least, I have my hope that one day I would have a baby.
That is why, i can't imagine how the family members of MH 370 passengers and crew would feel when PM announced that the flight ended in Indian Ocean. All hope was crushed with the news. I'm not in their shoes. So I can't say I know the feeling. But I do understand how it feels when your hope was crushed. At that moment, u have nothing, but faith.
Let us have faith in Allah, that this tragedy happened for a reason. Let us have faith that 'ada hikmah' behind this tragic incident. Let us pray that Allah would help us to recover the black box and the plane, so that the family members of MH 370 would have closure and answers to what really happened that night.
And let us not forget to pray for the safety of the people who involved in the SAR misson. Amin....
That is why, i can't imagine how the family members of MH 370 passengers and crew would feel when PM announced that the flight ended in Indian Ocean. All hope was crushed with the news. I'm not in their shoes. So I can't say I know the feeling. But I do understand how it feels when your hope was crushed. At that moment, u have nothing, but faith.
Let us have faith in Allah, that this tragedy happened for a reason. Let us have faith that 'ada hikmah' behind this tragic incident. Let us pray that Allah would help us to recover the black box and the plane, so that the family members of MH 370 would have closure and answers to what really happened that night.
And let us not forget to pray for the safety of the people who involved in the SAR misson. Amin....
totally agree dgn ST.semua musibah dan dugaan ada hikmah disebaliknya.Allah jadikan dugaan pada kita semua kerana DIA la paling tahu apa yg tbaik utk kita.semoga kita semua cube redha dengan segala yg berlaku.inshaaAllah family to all passengers and crew MH370 also kuat semangat.mudah2an.ameen :)
ReplyDeleteBetul iya, Allah x uji kalau kita tak mampu kan....
DeleteRedha. itu je kunci dia. AlFatihah
ReplyDeleteBetul ida, kena redha...
Deleteagree with you dear..apa pun yg terjadi mmg ketentuanNya..yg penting kita mesti berusaha..lama tak email u..i pun quite busy lately..busy cari rezeki lebih nak buat IUI..doakan tau =)
ReplyDeleteye la Farah... i pun a bit busy lately. InshaAllah, smg Allah permudahkan IUI u nanti :-)
Deleteyes, me to understand how it feels like when our dreams and hopes are crushed. semua perancangan, semua perjalanan, semua impian... kita merancang Allah yang menentukannya... good post sweet tooth. :)
ReplyDeleteSesungguhnya Allah la sebaik2 perancang... TQ zura :-)
Deleteagree.. sebab kita tahu sakitnye penantian.. bila harapan tak seperti yang diimpi.. tapi ujian ini yang buat kita lebih kuat.. Sesungguhnya Allah lebih mengetahui.
ReplyDeleteYa muzai, ujian ni membentuk diri kita :-)