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Dah Sampai?

I have posted the small gift to the lucky winner last Friday. (except for Nieta & nhimran. I still didn't get your details. If u baca entry ni, pls kindly e-mail me ya...). If by end of this week u masih tak dapat, pls do inform me juga ya. Nanti i check tracking pos tu.

Hopefully, semua yg menang tu dah terima hadiah kecik tu... hehehhe... and a few dah whatsap i bgtau dah dapat. TQ. I takot hadiah tu x sampai sebab it was a bit bulky.

For those yang wondering apa benda yg i bagi... ni la dia....

Handbeg holder. Pls pardon me for the messy picture of my workstation...siap ada selipar lagik belakang tu... hehehehe

Hadiah kecik je... Harapnya benda ni bermanfaat buat u all. Lepas ni pi makan kat kedai dah tak yah pangku handbeg dah... bleh letak kat holder tu je :-) Tapi jgn letak kat tempat yg mudah dicapai org lain. Tak pasal kena sambar ngan pencurik je... i suggest letak celah kaki. heheheh...

Okey...till then :-)


  1. Creative!nice gift

    1. heheheh...lama dok pikir nk bagi hadiah apa.... tu yg lambat pos nya tu...

  2. Dah dpt...comel sgt...tqvm..muahhhh......

  3. dah dapat dah sweet tooth :D
    thank u so much!

  4. wah, beshnya..tuk sue skali la kan.. nape kita x dpt lgi..uhukkk

    1. I pos semua sekali jalan.... Sok sok smpai kot.. Tp kalo smpai nxt monday x dpt lg bgtau ye :-)

    2. hee..tak dpt lgi.. tapi xpelah, mungkin abg posmen lmbt kot.. its okay :) ada niat nak bgi pun saya happy.. thankss :)) tpi klu dpt nant su gtau.. :)

  5. Kak NInaaaaa thank you so much! Dah dapat, tapi I tak tgk lagi sebab I masih kat penang, husband bagitau tadi :)) itu yang belog sumanya terabai kejap maklum lah tgh bersenang lenang.. Lolz
    InsyaaAllah tunggu hantaran balas I yer nanti! Thanks again :')

    1. Oooo....tengah bersenang lenang dipangkuan ayahnda n bonda yer, padan lax hupdet2 blog tu.... Makan air tangan ibu puas2, nanti balikkeyel rindu2an plak.... Hehehehhe :-)

  6. Ida pun guna holder niii. Beli kt cosway ade munge mungee... Hihi

    1. Cosway pun ada eh? Nk carik gak.... Beli tuk org lupa yg tukdiri sendiri.... Hahahahah :-)

  7. Dah dpt on Monday kalau x silap..tq sgt..pernah la tgk bende ni n pernah jugak rasa nk beli tp x dah dpt gift ni x pyh bli dah la..tq so much dear..

    1. No prob nadiah, seronok tgk org yg menerima tu gembira menerima hadiah yg x seberapa tu :-)


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