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Reunion Puteri Batch SPM 96


Dear readers, sorry for the long silence. Been busy lately with office work. Memang seronok bila dapat cuti 3 hari ni.

Yesterday, buat julung2 kalinya i attended reunion sekolah i. I haven't been to any reunion since.... Can't remember. The reunion was only for the girls of our batch. Almaklum la... Zaman skolah dulu mana kenai sgt pun dgn bebudak putra. And reunion ni pun only those yg duduk area lembah klang je yg datang. Ada gak yg from kuantan, tu pun kebetulan dia ada di KL. 

We were from batch SPM 96 of KISAS. Hohohoho... Sebut SPM 96, terus rasa diri ni tua. Some of them, mmg i x pernah jumpa for 17 years. Seronok sgt dapat jumpa kawan2 lama. But it would be even seronok if my best fren masa zaman skolah tu ada skali. Fara, we must meet sometime later! Izah, kau pun... lama x jumpa. Nonetheless, my other best fren yg sekelas ada skali. Ni pun dah almost 10 years x jumpa. It was fun seeing u again McGee.

Of course bila jumpa balik macam2 la kenangan yg di recall balik. Mmg kami borak sakan! Huhuhu...really missed those time when life was so simple and easy. 


It was nice meeting u all and hopefully this ukhuwwah fillah will continue on... Amin.


  1. sama tahun kita amik SPM :)

    1. Huhuhu, mcm dah lama gila zaman spm dulu kan pn stoberi :-)

  2. Yang mana satu niii kakakku? Dok teka dalam hati jek laaar :P

  3. owwhh Nina..of course aku jeles n rindu ko!thanks ingat aku huhuhu

  4. kakak mu yg muka besar pinggan...hehe,jgn marah nina

    1. Hahahah... muka besar pinggan bila pakai tudung x de awning je aida... ;-P

  5. best kn jumpa member2 lama..yg mana satu ekk..semua comel2 belaka..hmm gotcha!..yg bertudung biru tu yg tudung purple tu ye kann..hihi ;-)

    1. hihihi... tembakan x tak kena tu umie... :-)

  6. mcgee pun ada gak ... wah wah wah ... and i agree with the statement life was so simple and easy back then.

    1. ada adah...ri tu pi raya umah dia (dia dok salak tinggi...dokek yo ngan umah aku) x sempat amik gambar, ni mmg bergambor je kitorang... huhuhuhu.... betui kan... simple n easy sungguh life masa tu...

  7. wow! ramainyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. best kan gathering dgn kawan lama.... mesti banyak cerita!

    1. Ini tak sampai suku pelajar puteri batch kami... Hehehehe, tapi dah cukup riuh rumah tu dibuatnya :-)

  8. hehe..semua duk meneka2 muka sweet camni.. sue pun tertnya2 yg mana satu la agaknya.. ehhehehe

    btw, sue dh lama x jmpa member2 sekolah.. tetiba rindu plak..hehehe

    1. Cari yg gigi rongak sue.... Hehehehhehe ;-p betulkan... Rindu kawan2 skolah dulu...


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