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I'm sorry

Hallow everyone!

Salam ramadhan.. semoga semuanya dibawah naungan Rahmat Allah dibulan yang berkat ini.

Memula skali, am so sorry for the long silence. Sgt terharu coz ada yg prihatin and wondering why i've been offline for so long. TQ Sash. I ok jer... cuma tahap kerajinan untuk mengupdate di bulan Ramadhan ni sgt la rendah. Walaupun sebenarnya pkol 4 ptg dah bleh balik kerja, still bila smpai umah dh terkocoh-kocoh nk masak bagai... malam plak tido awal. Kadang tu pkol 9 dh lelap coz next day nak kena mangkit sahur awal to prepare meal for the family (my SIL n her hubby stay with us for now). And if my hubby kena turn keje pagi, seawal pukul 3.30 pg i dah bangun siapkn sahur coz 4.30 pg dia dh gerak pi keje. Hehehehe.... (bab memberi alasan, mmg terer!)

Anyway.... nothing much happening pun to my life. Bulan2 poser ni treatment is put on hold. Just chk up biasa2 jer. Skang ni pun i kt doc's clinic waiting my turn to see her. Tapikn, my AF is yet to visit. Suppose by 20th hari tu. Ni nk ting tong la pulak kot. Hmmmm.... nk kena tanya doc ni. Tapi kalo scan pun bukan bleh nmpak sgt what happend inside. Buln poser kn... abdominal scan jer...

My working life? Same old story.... busy memanjang...banyak betul kerja ni.. x pernh abis. lagi buln pose ni balik awal. I pun sharp pkol 4 mmg terus tutup pc n chow! Hehehehe.... x sabar nk tunggu raya. Bukan excited sgt nk raya pun (Dah besar2 gini x ler se excited mcm masa zaman bebudak dulu). X sabar coz nk cuti straight seminggu... yippie! I'm over the moon just thinking about it.

Oh ya.... today is my hubby's bday. Dah 42 dh dia... Kalo last year i managed to surprise him, this year x de surprise2. In fact i bg hadiah awal i.e mlm td pkol 10 coz i dh nk tdo and nk bagik esok masa sahur mcm x sesuai jer... Memula i letak hadiah dlm laci. Biasa la.. seludup masuk hadiah bila dia kluar pi bazar ramadhan petang tu. Plan konon nk suruh dia carik barang n bukak laci tu. So, i pun start berlakon n tanya "Bang, mana bateri smart tag yg abg beli tu?". My hubby said"Ada dlm laci tu". I ckp, x de n suruh dia tolong carikkn. You know what he said? "Hmmm, x de? X pe la... esok abg beli". Cesss!!! dia x bangun pun dr sofa tu. Fail plan i. Pastu ingat nk bukak je laci tu and menjerit buat muka takut, while hoping he would come n see apa benda yg i takut tu.... tapi bila pikir2 balik, sgt la poyo aku nk buat mcm tu.... hahahah! Last2 bawak kluar je hadiah n bagi je dia. Hehehe.... abg dearest, tq for ruining my surprise... but i love u anyway :-) May u be Blessed always, given good health to grow old with me and successfull in the world n hereafter...

Ok la... tu jer nk update for now. Insya Allah i'll try harder to update regularly ya. Till then... take care!


  1. bestnya balik pukul 4 =)

  2. Haaaa ade pon!! Baru meriah sket. Hehehehe :))

  3. nana, mmg best...tapi x tahan sbb nk kena kluar awal pagi supaya sampai opis before 8 am. X tahan jam pagi tu....ptg ok coz jln agak clear.

    Sash, ya....saya ada ni.... Hehheheheheh

  4. hi sis...

    so sweet la...pandai berlakon rupanya..hehe

  5. hi firzary, hehehhe... X de la pandai sgt pun... Tapi mmg boleh diasah bakat ni especially kalo watak ratu air mata...mmg emo abis! Hehhehehe :-)


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