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Roadshow - Sandakan

This morning, mmg pkol 5 i woke up. Punya la ngantuks... siap2mandi n kemas2 semua, around 6 dah chk out n menuju ke airport. In 15 Minutes, we arrived at airport. Masa nk batar cab, pak cik tu kara "empat lima". Aku hulur rm 5 and he looked back at me with muka terpinga-pinga. Just then baru aku realised rupanya "empat ploh lima hengget yer"... Hahaha... sorry pak cik, i thought coz it was 15 min rides so murah la kot... hampeh betui diri sendiri nih. So just bayar lak cik tu.

Today's trip would be frm KK to Sandakan. And in the evening, from Sandakan to Tawau. Masa chk in tetiba tgk tag luggage aku 'Sandakan - Tawau'. Cuak dah... Encik jaga counter nih x perasan ke aku ni nk pi sandakan, ptg kang baru nk ke tawau. Nanti, beg sampai dulu dari orgnya... Blum smpt nk tegur, dia pun realised... selamat...

Gambar kt atas nih masa dah landing kt sandakan... aku curik2 amik guna tab... ni budak degil. Suruh off electronic device buat x tau jer.... ampun en pilot!

Session at Sandakan went well... a lot of QnA. Really hope they understand what we talked about. Since flight to tawau petang, after lunch, dok la kami kt opis teriminal ni sambil buat keje (chk n jwb email je pun...).  Then we off to Tawau pulak.

This time around, kami naik Mas Wings. First time. Tu yg jakun skek tu. My seat 9c. My staff's seat 9a. Dok wonder, apsal la x dpt seat sebelah2...chk in sama...ramai org ke.... rupanya untuk mas wings seat b and e tak wujud ya... coz seat dia 2 kiri and 2 row kanan. tengah2 laluan. mcm besar bas bas pun ada gak ruangan dalam pesawat ATR nih. So seat kami mmg sebelah menyebelah la ni..

Cuma bg aku, mcm pening sikit naik ATR ni. Mcm nk mabuk udara pun ada. Coz skalik pilot tu kasik corner plane tu, mmg terasa sgt pergerakn kpl tbg tu. But one thing that im impressed is the safety briefing. Canggih tu pakai video. Even mas pun masih peramugari yg demo. The video was very entertaining yet at the same time very informative. I like how they joke about take off high heels, 'walaupun kami tahu kasut anda mahal' tapi demi keselamatan... And something like 'Kami tahu anda sayangkan talipon bimbit anda, tetapi semasa take off dan landing anda perlu switch it off'. It was spoken gently n x annoying langsung. Kelakar pun ada juga... but to me, it is something different la... (ala...baru 3jenis airlines je pun aku pernah naik...nk compare pun tiga jenis tu je la... huhuhuhu)

So tonite we all stay at one hotel ni kt tawau. Rerupanya Sultanah Johor pun ada stay kt hotel ni smpai weekend ni. padan la ada carpet merah bagai... (mula nk perasan retis jln atas carpet merah tu... muahahaha) .

Ok, tomorrow sesi briefing terakhir. Lps tu bleh balik umah...yey! Can't wait!


  1. wah . dah round sabah bah. aku next week baru nak pegi. tapi KK je pun

  2. Round jer.... Xsmpat berjalan2. Tapi dah tau tmpat tu, lps nih bleh la plan k melancong plak.... Hehhehe


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