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The Journey

  • On clomid for 2 cycle
  • Proceed with HSG and was diagnosed with blocked fallopian tube (both). 
  • Take a break and concentrate on study, work and just enjoyed married life.

  • Nov : 1st laparascopy. Confirmed hydrosalphinges on both tubes.
  • Take a break to concentrate on study, work and life.

  • Nov  4: Meet my Gynea. TVS showed PCO; 13 on left and 10 on right.
  • Nov 11: 2nd laparascopy + Hysteroscopy. Removed endometriosis (stage 3) and the built up water in the tubes (due to endo). Also removed polip in the uterus via D&C procedure. Left Ovary is very small but right ovary looks ok (but still smaller than average). Given 3 weeks MC to recuperate.
  • Nov 19: Given 1st Lucrin Depot jab to treat endo. Prescribed with metformin to regulate high isulin level (due to PCOS).
  • Dec 2: Start taking metformin 3 times a day until finish the 2 months prescription.
  • Dec 17: Given 2nd Lucrin Depot jab. Prescribed with calcium carbonate to be taken once daily. Metformin dosage was reduced to 2 times a day due to the side effect (feel nausea)
  • Jan 14: Given 3rd Lucrin Depot jab. still taking Metformin (sometimes 2 times daily, sometimes 3 times...depending on my nausea level...)
  • Feb 11: Follow up with doc. Done blood test for ca125. Alhamdulillah, result is very good. Still taking metformin 3 times a day. 
  • March : A few follow up. All looks ok.
  • April 8: Officially on CD1
  • April 9: CD 2 - Went for check up and get Gonal-F prescription (225 IU). Doc's assistant showed how to do self injection. Still need to take metformin, multivitamin and folic acid. Doc suggest to increase in consuming protein food, 2 white eggs per day and drink 2 liters water per day. I also need to do weighing and measuring my hips (err...stomach actually) at the same time everyday (to monitor OHSS)
  • April 10: CD3 - First Time do self injection of Gonal-F.
  • April 11 - 13: CD4 - CD6 Gonal-F (225 IU) 
  • April 14 - 19: CD7 - CD12 Increase Gonal F (300IU) 
  • April 15 - 19: CD8 - CD12 Took Orgalutran shots
  • April 19: CD12 - Took Ovidrel Shot
  • April 21: CD14 - Ovum Pick Up (OPU) Day. Start taking Utrogestan.
  • April 24: CD 16 - 3Days Embryo Transfer
  • April 25 - May 3rd : 2WW
  • May 4th : Beta HCG blood test - BFN 
  • Feb 28 : CD 1
  • March 3 - 9: CD 4 - CD 14 Stimulation Drugs Day 1 (Total of 300IU stimulation drugs)
  • March 14 : CD 15 Ovum Pick Up (OPU) day 4 eggs retrieved
  • March 20 : 1 emby survived. Transfer at 5 days post OPU (emby had slow rate of growth)
  • March 21 - 25 : 2WW
  • March 26 : Beta HCG blood test - BFN

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