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Showing posts from November, 2011

Hampir mati...

Panas terik hari ini mungkin penyebabnya... Ketika saya melihatnya semalam, keadaannya masih baik. Masih nampak segar... Petang tadi hajat di hati nak masak asam pedas kegemaran saya. Terkujat tengokkan pokok tu layu menyembah bumi. Alamak... kering dah ke pasu tu? Cepat2 saya siramkan dengan air... Sedih tgk pokok daun kesum ni kan? Memang saya x siram hari2 sebab pasu ni x de lubang kat bawahnya... jadi air siraman akan bertakung. 3 - 4 jam kemudian.... alhamdulillah.... pokok kembali segar dari kelayuannya...hehehe... Salam Maal Hijrah... marilah berhijrah ke arah yang lebih baik...


I don't expect my dear hubby would give me anything for my birthday. And I don't mind either. He already told me that when he wished me exactly 12 am 24 Nov. For me, he had given me the 'mother' of gift alread - his unconditional love, trust and cares. So when he pull out the gift from the back seat during our way home from my MIL house, i was so surprised and overwhealmed. And without any warning i cried with happy tears (blame the tears on the lucrin jab that i received last week... it make my emotion like roller coster these days...). Kelakar pulak rasanya nangis2 dapat hadiah ni.... hahhahaaha.... x pernah pun nangis bila dapat hadiah pape sebelum ni....mmg betul la kata dr...emosi mmg akan terganggu bila amik lucrin jab ni. cepat sedih, marah, gembira, sensitive gila etc... badan pun panas semacam jer... Agaknya cam ni la rasa bila nak menepous eh? Tak per... tinggal 2 jab je lagi... In 3 months it will be over, Insya-Allah. Anyway, to my dearest hubby, TQ so...

What is the different with today?

Nothing. Nothing is different today except.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... I'm a year older... (alamak...makin tua mak cik ni...huhuhuh) Hmmm... The clock is ticking... Can't wait to proceed to the next step... Will go back to my house tonite, after spending about 2 weeks at my MIL house. Another week to rest before I'll be facing all the hectic work life brings.

Usaha + Doa + Tawakal

I read an article on Harian Metro (last sunday) by Imam Muda Mohd Hassan Adli Yahaya about Tawakal selepas usaha. It was an eye opener and got my frozen brain thinking (frozen sebab lama betul berehat...hhehehh). Dalam articlenya beliau ada menyebut bahawa (start quote) "Tawakal bermaksud berserah diri kepada Allah dan berpegang teguh kepada-Nya dalam perkara wajib sebagaimana perintah Allah SWT di dalam surah al-Imran ayat 122 yang bermaksud: “Kepada Allah sahajalah hendaknya orang-orang yang beriman itu bertawakal (menyerah diri).” Definisi tawakal menurut kacamata ulama tersohor dunia, Prof Dr Yusuf Al-Qardawi pula ialah, apabila seorang manusia menyusun dan mengatur persiapan, persediaan, strategi dan daya usaha. Kemudian dia menyerahkan hasilnya kepada Allah" (end quote) Tawakal hanya apabila seseorang itu telah menyusun dan mengatur persiapan & berusaha... When it is applied to our life - work life or personal life : have we done enough before we l...

I'm back :-)

Salam dear readers (huhuhu... Perasan macam la ramai sgt yang baca blog ni). I'm back... After hibernating for a while... It was a necessary 'hibernation' (eh... Ada ke perkataan ni?). Anyway... I have settled a lot of things during the hibernating period. My work, my personal life and everything. Eventhough i didn't blogging, i still read and follow the udate of my TTCian fren. For those who has succeeded, congratulation dear fren... I'm so happy for you. To those who has not, don't be sad. Know that Allah has other plan for you and stay strong. Insya Allah... Jika di Izin Nya... Ada rezeki kita... Yang penting janganlah kita berputus asa dengan Rahmat Allah. Until next time...