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Satu hari di HUKM

Satu hari di HUKM, masa i melawat my MIL, doktor pelatih datang ke katil my mil.

*DI- doctor intern
*I- me

DI: puan, boleh saya interview tentang pesakit?
I: silakan...
DI: patient sakit apa ya?
I: Ada tumor dalam usus besar. 
DI: how did the patient found out she has tumor?
I: she's been having abdominal pain for the past 4 days. When we went to specialist they did MRI and found a tumor in her large intestine. 
DI: owh... Dah operate ke? 
I: belum. But doctor will do it asap as this is considered emergency case. The intestine is blocked. They will take the tumor out and check whether the tumor is benign or malignant.
DI: ic... Okey. Tq for your time.
I: no problem. You all student tahun ke berapa ni? 
DI: third year. Ermmm... Puan ni doctor ke?

Hehehehe... Ada muka doctor agaknya i ni 😅

P/s: Alhamdulillah, the surgery went well. Doc kata mudah ja urusan pembedahan my mil. Skang ni concentrate on recovery. Terima Kasih kepada semua yg mendoakan. Semoga Allah balas dgn kebaikan yg setimpal dan rezeki yang meluas buat kalian. Amin...


  1. doktor la sbb tau semua term. hihi :D

    Kalau ada pegi follow up ke on 1hb nati boleh dtg melawat.. hihi :D

    1. hehehhe... sbb i muka kompiden ja jawab tu, agaknya dia nmpak ada gaya2 doktor. padahal 'parrot' ja jawab apa yg doc cakap pada kami :-D

  2. Hehe gaya dah ada..silap ambik course ni

    1. ahahah... cita2 masa kecik ni sarah, tp x kesampaian :-)

  3. Bak kata orang - muka bijak , tu pasal orang kata muka Dr.. ;-)

    Syafakillah to your MIL..I just knew..long time not reading blogs

    1. TQ B&C, tu la..lama x nampak ur entry...


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