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Pengalaman Ujian Mammogram

Last week, persatuan penduduk wanita kawasan perumahan i anjurkan program mamogram. Alhamdulillah, berkesempatan join kali ni.

Last year, x bleh join sbb dia kata only 40 years and above je yg boleh. This year penganjur kata 35 years above bleh pi. Laju i sign up. 

Tapi bila sampai hospital, registration i x diterima sbb belum 40. Akak yg anjurkan program tu suruh tunggu sbb dia nak check dgn wakil hospital yg dia deal with tu. According to them, those yg below 40 breast tissues are still dense. Kiranya mcm x nampak sgt la result mammogram tu. But those yg bawah 40, atas 35 tahun kalau ada faktor risiko, boleh buat ujian ni.

Macam i, since I'm above 35 years and never been pregnant, plus my aunty has cancer history, so they allowed me to do the mammogram.
bilik mammogram
Prosedur mammogram went well. Macam nak x-ray jugak, u kena buka semua pakaian (belah atas ja, so better pakai baju yg 2 piece instead of jubah/dress) n pakai hospital gown. Semua accessory diperbuat dari besi yg u pakai (like keronsang) kena buka.

To me ujian ni x sakit pun. Cuma kurang selesa sebab pressure on your breast. They try to flatten ur breast untuk dapatkn imej terbaik dari tepi dan atas for the mammogram. Macam terkapit kan... rasa x selesa la sikit...

Sekejap ja buat mammogram ni. Yg penting kena lembutkan sikit badan, sebab sometimes u would feel awkward nak berdiri dekat dgn mesin mammogram tu. Don't worry, the radiologist will help u do that... so kena lembutkan badan, nanti dia adjust cara berdiri n nk letak tangan kat mana sume... Alhamdulillah radiologist kami dapat perempuan).

But mcm yg i kata kat atas tadi, imej mammogram i x berapa jelas, sebab i'm below 40. So dia buat ultrasound pula to confirm there is no lump or other sign of cancer. Habis ultrasound, tunggu jumpa doc plak nak dapatkan result.

Bila jumpa doc, doc kata i ada calcification sikit on my left upper outer area. Calcification ni macam pengumpulan kalsium, which is normal as we aged. It could also be cancer symptom, but since there is no other sign of cancer, doc rule out that my BIRAD score is 2 - benign findings. Doc advise i repeat ultrasound test within a year to see if there is any changes.

Alhamdulillah...lega rasanya bila result ok. Sebab last 2 weeks masa buat self examination, rasa mcm ada lump. Doc cakap may be tu lymph nodes...

It's important to do self breast check up. And if u rasa something wrong with your breast, pls do go to nearest clinic and get doc's opinion. Especially my TTCian friend yg dah 35 and above, sebab the risk is higher for breast cancer memandangkan kita x pernah mengandung dan menyusukan anak.

FYI, my fren bgtau LPPKN ada free mammogram screening sampai bulan july ni di klinik2/hospital2 terpilih (after that, no more subsidi!). You can call them and ask about this program. If u r 40 and meet syarat kelayakan dia, yes you can proceed terus mammogram. But if u above 35 and below 40, menepati syarat kelayakan dia, tapi ada faktor2 risiko lain, u boleh buat juga. You can refer LPPKN pages here for more info.

Breast Cancer adalah pembunuh utama wanita... early detection can prevent this...

Till then :-)


  1. Ari tu grup puspanita ofis ni mmg ada join yg LPPKN punya tu. Ramai gak lah join.
    Ai tak pernah lagi buat mammogram ni.. nanti lah, masa umur 40 lah. hihi

    1. Hehehe.. U dah x dlm faktor risiko group dah ;-)

  2. Hurm...teringin nak cuba. Tapi kena tunggu 2-3 tahun lagi la baru mohon buat ujian ni.

    1. nanti dah eligible buat la ya yani...


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