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Induce Lactation

I memang dah lama niat, kalau ambil anak angkat, i nak jadikan dia as anak susuan. Selain mudah untuk kami jaga aurat sekeluarga, breastfeeding is actually a bonding time. 

18 August 2016

I met the lactation consultant at Hospital Pantai Bangsar. She is a freelancer, but the hospital given her an office there. Masa consultation tu dia tanya macam2 la... Penah buat rawatan kesuburan ke tak, penah mengandung ke tak, bila nk dapat baby, waktu kerja bila, waktu rehat bila etc. Basically the interview adalah untuk memudahkan dia merancang plan to induce milk yg sesuai dgn gaya hidup kita. 

Then the consultant tgk physical appearance of the breast and show how the pumping session is done. I don't have to worry about buying pump lagi for now, sebab the consultant tu bagi sewa pump for rm200/month. According to her, better pakai hospital grade pump because it is for stimulation purpose. The one in commercial market, lebih sesuai kalau untuk express milk for those yg ada susu. Sbb i malas nk pikir, ok la... Just use the rental 🙊🙊🙊

In addition, i have to take 2 medication - ubat herba (halba) dan motilium. And i am required to do at least 6 pumping session in a day. 

23 August 2016

I've been pumping for 6 days. Religously mind u... I even do more often then the plan laid out by my consultant. 

Based on my reading, sebenarnya stimulation is far more important than hormon treatment. Sbb bila u stimulate, the stimulation will send signal to ur body that u need to produce milk. The stimulation i.e the pumping mimics baby sucking for milk. 

On day 3, i started pumping every 3 hours. Nak senang ingat, at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3 pm, 6pm, 9pm, 12 am and 3am. And the cycle goes... 

And today, alhamdulillah, i dah nampak little tiny dots of clear liquid, (like saliva in texture keluar frm u know where). My consultant said it is a positive sign that my body responding well to the stimulation. 

25 August 2016

My first dot of susu perhaps? So excited this morning bila tgk kat corong tu ada susu lekat. Tak pe la baru setitik pun... Alhamdulillah... Bagi semangat nk susukan...

28 August 2016

Alhamdulillah, dah makin bertambah a few drop of susu setiap kali pump. Cuma kena banyak minum air... 

Harap harapnya dapat la jadi banyak nanti. Smg ada rezeki for my daughter...

29 August 2016

Went to see the lactation consultant. Kali ni dia ajar perah susu dgn tangan lepas pump n kumpul susu2 tu... Every drop is precious! 

Pls Doakan i ya 😊 smg ada rezeki my baby nk jadi anak susuan... 

P/s: Kalau nak tau detail pengalaman i about induce lactation, email me ya... 


  1. nina,

    touching story. I lak yg sedih kegembiraan. Moga dapat la menyusukan baby comel tu..

    1. Nina, serius i rasa nak bagi u hadiah pam.. U nak tak? i bg yg baru.. i sebak sgt baca entry ni. Serius mmg i nk bg. I sgt memahami u n i gmbira sgt klu dpt sumbang something pd rakan ttcian i..

    2. Actually i mmg nk ajk u join jom kurus tu, tp i rasa skrg u fokus makan byk2 dulu n minum air byk juga utk maintain demand n supply.. tp klu u just nk get the knowledge pun boleh.

      nnt pm i tau. i nk bg u hadiah pnyusuan. nk bg pam, cooler bag n etc. hopefully i dpt mnumpang pahala u utk bjihad susukan daughter u.

      whatsapp me ok: 0127244994

      whatsapp tau.. jgn buat i kecewa 😍

  2. Amin amin shaa Allah..semoga murah rezeki baby nina..susu ni memang semata2 rezeki si baby kita tu.melalui kita.doa banyak2.zikir Ya Matin sentiasa.

  3. semoga lebih banyak titisan emas akan keluar nnt ST :) jgn putus asa...emmosi jugak penting untuk merangsang susu pam...selawat dan bayang kan muka anak pk yang indah2 insyaallah!

    1. TQ for the tips dear...insya Allah...

  4. Ly ikuti tiap2 entry sweet pasal ni.
    Bila baca entry ni...tersenyum2 ly suke....bestnye....memang kalo keluar susu kite akan rase excited. Kalo ade ape2 masalah mcm nipple crack ke bgtau la. Ade ubat bleh sapu utk cepat sembuh. K....
    Ly doakan semua urusan sweet dipermudahkan Allah. Amin ya rabbal alamin...

  5. salam sweet. baru qada' baca ur entries. so happy for u. may Allah ease... amiin. selalu2 lah update psl baby nnt ya... :)

  6. Kakaaaaaakkk.. betapa lama sash tak buka belog ini! Ya Allah tadi baca dengan penuh debaran sampai air mata pun bergenang sama. Rezeki kak. ALHAMDULILLAH. Am so happy for you. Nak tengok gambar baby tau nanti. Kalau tak buleh letak sini wasap la kat Sash. HEHEHE. Tahniah dan selamat menempuh alam baru. *Hugs*

    1. TQ dik.... nanti i wassap u ya :-)

  7. Anonymous4:38 pm

    Salam.. selamat menjadi ibu yg bahagia dan kuat..!!
    suka akak dgr.. perasaan lain mcm ye skrgg... hehe mmuah sket kat baby. ~kak baby~

  8. so precious! You are the choosen one for this journey :)

  9. kak nina..this post gives me goosebumps. sanggup bc balik semua. i am soo happy for u. Alhamdulillah..

  10. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Halba tu ambil macam mana ye?

    1. Dia bg dah siap capsul, so makan mcm dlm jadual atas tu. But my fren kata boleh ja ambik beberapa biji halba and rendam dlm air panas. Bila air dah sejuk/suam boleh minum.


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