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Welkam 2014

Hello readers...

Baru je lepas blogwalking... Rata2nya most bloggers citer tentatng wrap up year 2013 and azam baru.

Same here... I'll tell u about my azam in 2013, what happend to them and plan for 2014.

Earlier in Jan 2013, there were 3 azam yang i nak capai this year... I nak reduce my weight, I nak habiskan my study and nak teruskan usaha TTC for a baby in 2013. Out of this 3, 2 is in progress and one memang x usik langsung...

Yang mana tak usik langsung? Bab nak abis belajaq tu... huhuhuhu.... tak tau la... dah makin tua ni makin malas plak i nak sambung. Padahal just 1 more paper to go. But that one paper la yang paling susah (coz i x buat keje tu dah). Really... i memang berniat nak abiskn belajaq ni... But may be sebab limit to abiskan this paper is up to Jun 2017, so i took my own sweet time nak finish. Isyk... not good... OK. I'll try my hardest to finish it in 2014. InshaAllah... doakan i :-)

Second Azam, on usaha TTC for a baby in 2013. I would say, this is in progress. I did my second IVF in April 2013. And even though the result is negative, I think banyak hikmah di sebaliknya. My thank you for you readers of this blog atas segala support u all during the time. And special thank you to my dear hubby, for being my rock and always with me all the way (I luv u abang ;-) mmmuuuuaaahhhh...) InshaAllah, we shall try again for 3rd IVF in 2014. And on top of that, i nak usaha cara lain juga nanti. Usaha utk TTC bagi i tak pernah habis. Selagi ada cara dan kemampuan, InshaAllah i nak teruskan buat selagi mampu. So that i tak look back regretting and wondering why i haven't done that. Doakan misi i berjaya in 2014 ya :-)

Third one, on loosing weight. Official result as of 31 Dec 2013 weighing ye lah seperti berikut:

For my Part 4 of 90 days challenge:

I just managed to reduced a total of 2 kgs in 3 months. With this, total of my weight loss in 2013 is:

6kgs! I lost 6kgs this year. May be not much to some people, but i'm proud of my achievement. Even my BMI dah masuk range normal BMI. No more overweight. And I can see the difference when i look back at my photo awal tahun dulu and sekarang. Alhamdulillah... I sincerely would like to thanks my scoolmate Di (she probably doesn't read my entry kot) and also to Yani a.k.a Batik Pink and Atie (my diet buddy) for the support given. Tengok entry u all in blog and ur sharing kat wassap, memang sangat membantu i. To me, this is usaha TTC jugak... I need to shed off the kilos and live healthyly, so that I'll be in optimum health for my next year IVF. I would really recommend cara loosing weight dengan menetapkan short term goal macam yg i buat in my 90 days challenge. And really, by just changing ur eating habit, memang sangat membantu utk loose weight. I akan teruskan my weight loss journey (coz BMI sekarang ni eventhough dah normal, tapi dok kat sempadan nk masuk overweight). So 90 days challenge akan diteruskan ke 2014 starting with 90 days challenge part 1, 2014 with a target to loose 3 kgs :-) Ada sesapa nak join i?

Well, 2013 sure has its up and down. Banyak pengalaman yang mematangkan fikiran, dan menjadikan i lebih tabah (hopefully) dalam hidup i. Hopefully 2014 will bring happiness and good news. And Semoga Allah menjadikan kita hamba Nya yang lebih bersyukur.

Happy New Year to all, and have a blast 2014 :-)


  1. good to hear that u've achieved your target for 2013! walau tak semua but still an achievement. congrats! hopefully this year semangat tu bertambah untuk tambahkan kejayaan awak ni. good luck!

  2. Nak join lose weight. Boleh ke?

    1. Come join me CPT. U update in ur blog on ur usaha and progress. I find it very helpful bila buat entry pasal my effort in reducing my weight :-)

  3. Selamat Tahun Baru! Selamat berjaya yer utk semua plan. Saya doakan yg baik2 utk awak!

    1. Happy new year to u 2 Carl... Terima Kasih...semoga Allah berikan yg baik2 juga untuk awak :-)

  4. Aamiin too salah satu azam nak dapat baby..tapi belum berjaya lagi jadik usaha diteruskan sehingga berjaya..last year, ttc macam main2 start this new year, nak lebih serius for ttc..semoga 2014 kita berjaya untuk dapat baby sendiri..Aamiin :)

    1. InshaAllah...smg Allah permudahkan usaha kita semua....Amin....

  5. selamat tahun baru.. heee.. azam kita2 ni lebih kurang je kan.. nak dptkan anak (of cos) n turunkan berat..heheheh.. btw, semoga tahun2 mendatang ni bawa kebahagian dan lebih rezeki.. amin..

    1. la sue, ni bukan azam baru, mcm yg sue tulih dlm ur blog, tahun baru, azam lama ;-)

  6. I'm in...I'm in....Yani nak join dan sambung cabaran 90 hari mcm ST buat tu.... :) tahun 2014.sasaran penurunan berat 9-10kg lagi....inshaAllah...tq ST dan Atie, banyak yg dikongsikan dalam group whatsapp diet kita...yani banyak rujuk disitu...

    1. jom...jom... kita aktivekn lagi wassap group diet kita ni ;-)

  7. buat IVF pun susah nak berjayakan..apatah lagi IUI..ermmm...semoga ada keajaiban untuk kita para TTC semua :) Good luck kak!

    1. TQ Yuslin... bagi i semuanya bergantung pada rezeki yg Allah dah tetapkan. Ada org buat IVF sekali je dah lekat...ada yg buat lebih 5 kali pun tak lekat2 juga... ada juga yg buat IUI sekali dah lekat, begitu juga dah buat banyak kali pun belum rezeki lagi... Apa yang penting ye lah, jgn putus asa dan terus usaha... InshaAllah... Dengan izin Nya boleh berjaya Kita fikir yg baik2 saja ok :-)

  8. Nak join challenge 90 days 2014..inipun slh satu usaha ttc jg.

    1. Come.... u r most welkam to join :-) u just update ur progress in ur blog, sebab tu akan membantu u to be consistent dlm usaha nak loose weight. At the end of every 90 days, kita update pulak result. InshaAllah, kawan2 yg baca pasti akan berikan support :-)


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