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A Race to the year end

Yup... cepat betui masa berlalu... And i have lebih kurang 8 hari je lagi to close 2013 loosing weight target. And looking at the past 1 month, the number might not changed. (sigh....).

Towards the end of the year, banyak pulak aktiviti yg involved a lot of nice and sedap food. And pagi2, jadi makin takut nak timbang berat... well, not everyday pun i makan banyak... just on occassion. At other time, i tried to stick to my portion. Cuma tang exercise tu, memang ke laut....

Today, I'm renewing my determination....dalam seminggu nak ke new year ni, nak stick to the diet plan and try as much as possible buat exercise. Lagipun, nak kena bina stamina untuk my 'January Event'. Let's much more i can loose in these 8 days.... this is a race to the year end indeed!

Till then :-)


  1. Diet saya dah ke laut..berat makin naik..huhu..

  2. Chaiyok Nina! Walaupun banyak godaan.,hehe

    1. memang banyak godaan ni kak... huhuhuh...

  3. like this one! saya pon kena turunkan berat badan. untuk sihat. dan gembira.. hati enal kental ni. and boleh gantung kata-kata semangat tu kat bilik..

    1. seriously...betul la zura...hati kena kental... err... letak cuka getah kasik kental?? hehehehe ;-P

  4. eat clean best tapi kenapa makanan utk diet semua mahal2 belaka..sobssss

    1. Eh, ye ke FY? I x sure coz i diet my portion je...makan nasi, protein and sayur but according to portion. Pada i senang lagi nak jaga portion bila makan nasi lauk n sayur :-)

  5. ST, Yani confirm x bleh dapat turun berat badan by the time 2014 tiba nanti....tgh period, badan tgh bloated dan after period, metabolisme rendah even bersenam.....see? that's why Yani kata tak letak harapan tinggi sgt berat boleh turun lagi dalam 8 hari ni...redha je la...

    1. ala yani...same here...dah nak smpai masa dah ni...tapi belasah jugak... hehehehe....x per, kita buat semampu yg boleh ya :-)

    2. Yes...chaiyok ST, chaiyok Atie (kalau Atie perasan kita seru nama dia kat sini..huhu!).....

  6. hurmm akhir2 tahun ni la byk makan2, kenduri.. nak control makan mmg agak susah... harap2 tahun 2014, akan lebih kental..heheheh

    1. tu la pasal... inshaAllah...meh kita sama2 usaha :-)

  7. 8hari? u can do it bebeh!!!! ida sokong walau ida nye diet kelauttt dalammmmmmm.. hahahhaa

    1. hehehhe.... boleh kail lagi kot ida ;-)

  8. salam Nina,

    sempena cuti sekolah.
    lemak2 turut 'bercuti' di badan Ai.

    buka sekolah ni jaga lah 'korang'. hihihi

    1. hehehhe... x lama dah tu nk buka skolah :-)

  9. Aihhh pasal berat badan ni... I pun nothing to say. Dah takde semangat. At one point this year, memang I can diet, get on the treadmill... but bila dah on hormone pills, asyik lapar je... dah nak give up. I guess those who go through it saje yang understand.. just like all of us here. Thanks for this post. I think 2014 kena berusaha and disciplined. Good luck to us all :)

    1. Oh...i understand... x pe TM, let's do our best next year :-)


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