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Mari Protes!

Silence is Not an Option!

Ha... buat-buat entry, terus jadik garang... hehehhe... Pada sesiapa yang kaki protes tu, meh, la I nak ajak jom kita protes kezaliman yang berlaku di Mesir. Yang tak kaki protes pun I nak ajak jugak... Macam I, x mampu nak pi berperang untuk mendaulatkan syiar Islam. But this is something that I can do.

Ada 3 langkah yang boleh kita buat untuk menyatakn protes kita... Let me paste the e-mail that I received from my dear friend Erna :-)

Langkah Pertama:

kami menjemput anda untuk bersama kami dalam petisyen
‘Silence Is Not An Option: Stop Killing & Restore Democracy In Egypt’,

sila klik link ini dan nyatakan pendirian anda (

Langkah Kedua:

Menghantar sebanyak mungkin poskad kepada Kedutaan Mesir, Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat dan Kedutaan Arab Saudi.

Rujukan kempen -

Langkah ketiga:

Kami menjemput anda untuk memberi email tekanan kepada:

Kedutaan Arab Saudi:
Kedutaan Mesir:
Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat:

Anda boleh menggunakan kenyataan di bawah ini untuk diemailkan.

"To the Embassy of …………………

I am deeply concerned to the appalling massacre of peaceful demonstrators by security forces in Egypt that had claimed a large number of lives (more than 4000 lives according to some reports) and over thousands more injured and detained, yet without strong rebuke from regional as well as international key players. On the contrary, the crime against humanity committed by military junta under pretext of restoring democracy enjoyed open support from neighboring Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan and Bahrain, while US and EU hesitant to express strong condemnation and stern reaction consistently, despite the fact that the fallout of the military coup breached every aspect democratic values and free world.

I am perplexed with the world’s inaction especially the regional powers towards this heinous crime that literally gives the military ruler license to commit more killings at unimaginable scale, exercising selective justice, arbitrary arrests and detention that potentially drag Egypt further into a bloody civil conflict. The world’s hypocrisy to such violation deprives Egyptians the fruits of 25 January 2011 revolution that guaranteed their civil rights through democratic process, throws Egypt back into its dark past of authoritarian rule and threatens the future civil states recently founded through democratic process in the region.

I urge your government to uphold Egyptians’ rights, to let them get what they want, and allow them to fight for their democratic choice. Withdraw your support for the Egyptian’s Army. Discontinue your funding to them. And with all due respect, please warn the Egyptian’s army concerning the illegal massacre they’re committing.

Encourage civil liberties, your country would then continue to be respected by all nations.

We thank your kind attention to our plea and appeal.
Yours truly,


State (eg Selangor)

Country of origin (eg Malaysia)"

Dapatkan lebih banyak maklumat mengenai kempen ini dengan melayari FB page "Silence is Not an Option" -


Ha.... siap ada wording siap2...u all tinggal copy paste je kat e-mail... (tapi jgn le guna e-mail company...tak pasal jer kang...). So, apa tunggu lagi... meh la kita sama support kempen ni... Say YES to Democracy and Peace, say NO to the Killings!


  1. Say YES to Democracy and Peace, say NO to the Killings!


  2. memang sedih tengokkan apa yang terjadi pada saudara kita kat mesir, syria & gaza kan, kak. jahat sungguh israel, syiah, us semua tu.

    Allah yang maha membalas. kita bacakan Qunut nazilah dalam doa kita, kak. mohon supaya Allah balas perbuatan orang jahat tu.

    1. Betul tu Anis, doa senjata org mukmin... Let us pray together... :-)

  3. farhah singgah blog akak kat sini. hopefully semua usaha doa kite utk org2 yg teraniaya nih dimakbulkan oleh Allah swt kan kak. farhah harap sgt Allah swt tunjukkan balasan pada diorg yg jahat2 tuh. tp itu semua rahsia Allah swt. moga semua ada hikmah. amin


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