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Here We Go... (Again!)

Thursday night, 28/2, the much awaited AF came. Yeyy!!! At last... I couldn't sleep that night. Can't remember bila I dozzed off. Tau2 dah pagi... Siap2 pegi keje (gi meeting actually the whole day kat hotel corus... x masuk opis pun). Can't concentrate to whatever things they discussed. My mind was already somewhere else.

Well... that is my problem. When I had something in mind, I can't focus on other things.

In the afternoon, call my doc and get her instruction... and today at CD 4, I started my stim drugs! (huhuhuhu...sounds like drug addict je i nih... by the way, stim tu meaning stimulation yer... bukan 'stim' yg khayal tu!).

Ada brani mau cucuk?? Heheheh...
Sorry ladies, this time around I can't disclose what was the stim drug prescribed to me. But I bet some would know one of the drug already. heheheheh.... Anyway....I was instructed to take those 2 shots in the morning starting today until....well, until when the doc said stop la. And I can also tell you, the one in the small syringe (orange head tu...), hurt like **** (you can fill in the blanks with whatever word u like to choose). Perhaps because the needle is much larger in size (dah la besar, panjang pulak tu!). Or perhaps because this was the first shot after a year... I just hope it will get better in time. Alah bisa, tegal biasa kata org tu...

So... here we go again. I'm asking your prayer dear frens. Pls pray that this cycle would bring us the happy news that we've been waiting for 8 years. Amin...

P/s: Since I've started our 2nd IVF this cycle, I have to stop my 90 days challenge. So it is actually a 60 days challenge. To summarised:
I short 0.4 kilo to my target for 90 days. I still consider myself successful because I have lost 3.3 kilos in 60 days :-) Kudos me! (clap clap clap) X banyak, tapi its enough to motivate myself that I can do it better next time. Hopefully my buddies out there yang dlm mission turunkan berat badan akan lebih berjaya dari i. Teruskan usaha ya!


  1. Good luck dearest kakak!!!! Ni yang tak sabaq nak balik malaysia, bila tengok jarum orang kita pon nak jarum gak. Hahahaha :P I doakan moga semuanya lancar :D Amiiiiiiiin.

    1. Kelakar u ni sash :-) but, strangely im looking fwd to this cucuk2 process... Hahaha! (i'm weird!) thanks for ur doa dear, moga Allah makbulkan.

  2. 3.3 kg? terer!~

    so here goes the ivf, ya? good luck! semoga semuanya berjalan lancar especially the cucuk-cucuk part, the conceiving part and semualah! :D

    soooo happy for you :)

  3. Hehehhe... X la terer mana, akak rasa half of the 3.3 tu berat air je... Thanks for ur wish n support... Doakan akak eh :-)

  4. salam sweet tooth,

    smg berjaya dan semuanya berjalan lancar

  5. InsyaAllah, semoga dipermudahkan urusan & dimakbulkan-Nya :)

  6. good luck dear!!!
    been there done that.... yeah i really2 know how the orange needle feels like..... but that's ok honey, the hurt will pay off soon...

    1. Kannn...sakit betul cucuk jarum oren tu... InshaAllah, Amin....

  7. Good Luck sweet untuk IVF ni.. K doakan ianya dipermudahkan dan insya'Allah akan berhasil.. Kita sama2 doa ye? aminnn.... :)

  8. insyaallah, semoga semua berjalan lancar dan seperti diharapkan

  9. Sweet Tooth,

    Yani doakan semoga semuanya dipermudahkan olehNya....amin ya rabbal alamin!

  10. Sweet

    buat IVF katne? lately ni sue byk pikir pasal IVF ni, planning mcm nak buat dlm tahun ni, since yang kami delay2 dari tahun lpas...
    tapi byk benda yang bermain kat pikiran ni..
    rase x ckup bersedia tapi makin lama makin takut tggu sbb takut sakit berulang balik... huuu...
    tak tau nak cakap camne...

    btw, semoga kalini rezeki berpihak pada sweet...aminnnnn.....

    1. I buat kt hsp pantai bangsar. X pe, mmg banyak benda nk pikir bila nk buat ivfni... Discuss elok2 pro n cons n doa moga Allah permudahkan untuk membuat yg terbaik. Terima kasih atas doa. Amin.... Smg Allah kabulkan....

  11. semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kakak gigi manis yg manis ye..semoga ada rezeki untuk kakak..amin ya rabbal alamin...

  12. Tq nana, amin.... (kakak ni gigi dh rongak sbb suka mkn benda manis.... Huhuhuhu )

  13. All the best kakak! Semoga rezeki berpihak pd akak this time. Aminnnnnnn.

    Tipu lah tang gigi rongak. Manissss je sy tgk ;)

    1. Thanks Yannie... akak pakai gigi palsu tu... huhuhuu ;-)

  14. Sweet, all the very best dear..i sts doakan semoga there'll be some good news very soon :-)

    1. Thank you Umie... Amin la doa u hendaknya :-)


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