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My 90 Days Challenge update

It's been 46 days since my 90 days challenge start. What is my progress?

Alhamdulillah.... eventhough it may seem little, but I'm really happy that I'm closer to my goal. only a kilo ++ to go before my 90 days challenge end on 31st March 2013. Kalo dapat capai target ni, boleh la i sambung another 90 days challenge (part 2) to shed another 3 kilos. Sukeeeeeeee sangat!

But actually it's been a week since my weight got static....tak gerak2.... risau gak. Macam biasa la...I kalo nk tau apa2, the fastest source would be google. So betul ke I'm reaching a weight plateau?

Let see....

From my reading, if the weight does not change for 3 weeks, baru lah dikira weight loss plateau. It is a period when your body weight remains the same level.Why 3 weeks? Sebab 1st week kita hilang air dalam badan, along with the second week. But 3rd week may indicate that your body doesn't change as you hoped despite your best effort.

The word weight loss x differentiate between changes in fat, muscle and water. So bila kita pi timbang badan, especially yg timbang hari2 macam i, kita boleh notice changes dalam beberapa gram ke sekilo. Boleh naik sebab muscle build up. But most of the time, the changes was due to water retention. Sebab bila kita banyak makan makanan yg banyak sodium, carb or minum air sikit je, badan kita akan retain water which will increase our body weight. To avoid water retention, we must make sure that we drink a lot. 2-3 litres, depending on our weight. At the same time, dicadangkan, jgn weight in hari2... only once a week right after bangun tidur in the morning. Sebab kita mudah rasa discourage bila tengok berat kita naik balik despite having exercise. Err... i think yg ni depend on org kot...kalo i, i'll feel lagi motivate nak turunkan bila tengok scale numbers tu...huhuhuhuhu....

In addition to that, weight loss rate would slow down as you become leaner. It's a simple math. If let say seminggu kita hilang 1% of kita punya weight, the 1% of next week loss would be much smaller than this week la kan... sebab weight dah turun. It is suggested that we increase the intensity and strength. Jangan buat cardio exercise je... kena ada strength exercise to build up muscle. Remember, the more muscle built up. the more calories burnt. Hmmm, so nak kena change sikit my exercise. kena masukkn jugak part nak built muscle tu...

Selain dari tu, one of the reason why weight tu tak gerak2 could be because 'calorie creep', where the calories intake is actually more than we think it was. Ni may be sebab kita dok rasa makanan ni sikit...rasa tu sikit...end up the calories added up more than our limit. So nak elakkan ni, senang je... Jgn rasa2.... or better yet puasa jer. Tapi since I'm on antibiotic course, nak kena abiskan ubat dulu baru bleh start.

Ini adalah sebahagian sebab n tips to do bila weight kita reaching plateau. For more info... google jer...banyak article pasal weight plateau nih... hihihhii....

So, how r ur weight loss program so far? Are you in the right track? Pls share... Have a nice weekend  :-)


  1. good info ni..thnks 4 sharing sweet...terfikir juga mengenai weight loss plateau progress last few weeks turun jg dlm baru2 ni balik kmpg..then timbang balik naik balik la..huhu..hv 2 get back on the right track...x bleh jd mcmni nmpknye... :-( ..semoga segalanya dipermudahkan..sama2 kita yer.. :-)

    1. Insha Allah.... Smg kita berjaya :-)

  2. wow, nice progress akak.

    keep it up!

    *nak pinjam semangat akak sikit, boleh? ;)*

    1. Tq Anis :-) meh akak tiup smg skek kt awak fuh...fuh.... Huhuhuhu ;-)

  3. aduii..niat hati nak kuruskan badan, bila tgk prg lain progress cemerlang, diri sendiri makin naik adelah.. huuuuu

    1. Tak la cemerlang sgt... mana yang i mampu je. Sue jangan putus asa ya... cuba sikit2... At least buat jugak kan...dari x ada langsung. I doakan sue pun berjaya juga...


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