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Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit

Begitulah I nisbahkan usaha I dalam menurunkan my overweight ni. Tak perlu berusaha bombastik sangat kalau usaha tu setakat HHCD (hot hot chicken dung) je... I cuma berharap this time around I akan lebih consistent and semangat ni x luntur...

Am so happy when I found out that ramai lagi dikalangan rakan2 (bloggers or not) yang mempunyai matlamat yg sama dengan I. Nak turunkan berat badan. According to my reading, if you have frens that also want to reduce their weight, your journey would be easier and you are likely to reduce your weight. Sebab tu I nak ajak seramai yang boleh join this 90 days challenge ni. So that kita bleh support each other. I also share about this with kawan2 se'lunch' dengan I. So that they would support and remind me should I went overboard with my lunch... heheheh...

pic frm google

Talking about 'sikit-sikit' ni, I think it applies in all aspect of 'weight loss' process ni. Contohnya bab2 makan... I dulu memang selalu cuba crash diet by skipping meals. This is so not healthy... why? we need to eat so that we can maintain our muscle. why? coz muscle ni la yang akan burn fat. And, muscle need energy to burn fat. If kita x de energy, our body will convert muscle protein into energy, hence loss of muscle tissue. FYI muscle tissue burn 70% of fat in our body. So in the long run, we may loose our ability to loose fat. Sebab tu lepas crash diet, berat naik balik and sometimes we gain even more than before.

So, do not be afraid to eat for loosing weight... BUT (besar but tu!) of course makanan yang berkhasiat, in moderation and in accordance to your lifestyle requirement. Kalo dah duduk ngadap komputer je kat opis, jgn la pulak selera makan macam orang yang kerja construction building... heheheh... Or... if you are the type yang suka mengunyah, you can eat frequently tapi dalam quantity yang sedikit. Make sure total calories intake masih bersesuaian dengan your lifestyle ya.

At the same time, jangan lupa exercise to increase our chances in loosing weight. Tak perlu menghabiskan masa sejam dua sehari... 30 minit dah cukup.sekurang-kurangnya 3-4 kali seminggu (not even hari2 pun kan...). Kalau x de gym membership atau peralatan bersenam kat umah, u can dance :-) menari la apa pun asal berpeluh... or you can sweat out doing house chores. Kemas umah, cuci bilik air, gardening etc. Walaupun x sebanyak mana kalori terbakar, tapi it is better than nothing.

Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit. In the long run, akan nampak hasilnya. Loosing weight is a journey, takkan hilang lemak2 tu sekelip mata.Jadi mari kita teruskan usaha & sabar! Seperti yg I baca di blog Yaya

"It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends to notice and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.... 
Don't Quit!"

 p/s: Disclaimer - fakta2 dalam nih adalah hasil kajian dan reading menggunakan Encik Google. Saya bukan dietician apalagi health trainer. Oleh itu, sila rujuk kepada yg bertauliah untuk penjelasan yang lebih baik tentang gayahidup sihat. Terima Kasih  :-)


  1. TQ Datin :-) Harap2 i terus consistent...

  2. Wah bersemangat la korang ni....i kene berubah ni

  3. saya x dpt2 lagi start misi tuk kuruskan badan ni..huhu

  4. Go..go..go..! Never too late to loose weight!..
    Healthy Lifestyle + Calorie Burn Off plus additional nutrition to what you need. Saya jemput ke blog saya...Something that will help you to loose weight healthily!


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