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Roadshow - Kota Kinabalu

Overnite di KK. After session ptg tadi, mmg rasa penat sgt. Tambahan lk hujan lebat ptg tadik. Terkena hujan skek masa nk ke kereta. Ni pun dh rasa pening...

Tomorrow morning kena gerak awal ke airport. Flight scheduled pkol 7 pg, so pkol 6 dah kena chk in. Aiyyooo.... pkol 5 pg dh kena bangun nih....

Tomorrow, session at Sandakan and in the evening, im off to Tawau for the final session. Yippie..... lepas tu bleh balik ke pangkuan en somi yg terchenta.... hahahhahaha.... miss u abg!

ntah cite apa tah ni....zzzzzzzxx


  1. i know! its le meridien kan....
    i went there 3 years ago...what a superb vacation!

  2. Safe flight dear!! And selamat kembali ke pangkuan tershayangg! ;)

  3. Datin, sgt observant la.... 3 tahun pun ingat lg eh... :-)

    Sash, tq. Mmg x sabo nk balik... Letih!

  4. mesti ingat sbb best sgt2 vacation masa tu :)


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