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Weekend yang ditunggu

Yup! Can't wait for this weekend. Alhamdulillah company i cuti this friday. Cuti ganti public holiday sabtu ni. And monday, i'll take leave. Yey!

Why long weekend? To celebrate majlis walimah my lil sis. Will update about it later...

In the meantime, enjoy this song... (mood kenduri kawin.... ngeeeee XD)


  1. I wish I can join the celebration. Apakan daya?

    Selamat pengantin baru to ur sis in advance! ;)

    And selamat bercuti panjang utk u kak nina! ;)

  2. oh.. sogoood, dapat cuti esok. me? hv a meeting with client... sob sob sob

  3. Tq yannie... It's ok, we can meet some other time.

    Adah, slamat bekerja.... Hehhehe...kalo berkelapangan dijemput hadir eh...

  4. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Salam kak Nina.. I got to know u from yannie bunny.. U jumpa Dr Adilah ye.. I baru lps buat lap dgn Dr Adilah last week, now tgh recover kat rumah smbl bersembang dgn Yannie hehehe.. If u dont mind, nak kenal dgn u gak bleh? Hehe.. My email inanordin[at]yahoo[dot]com.. I takde blog la..take care!


  5. selamat meraikan cinta yaaa

  6. Su & MJI, TQ

    uih...rasa cam celebrity lak ada org nk kenal2 nih...heheheh...anyway, I've emailed u. Have a good rest & take care :-)


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