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I'm ok.

Feeling much better already (as compared to last Friday). But still coping slowly... Still can't talk about it openly and without a heartache or tears. But I can smile & laugh when see funny things/jokes on TV. I can joke around with my hubby. The heart is healing.... slowly.

We went to Jusco yesterday... (retail theraphy?? heheheh) Feel so good that I can walk around without the need to be cautious. Hubby wants to buy some clothes and i pun tumpang sekaki beli kasut (kasut kerja i dah nak tercabut tapak...).

I have been off from cooking since after the OPU until now. Since this morning doc had confirmed that my  beta HCG is still negative, I think its time to start living my life 'normally' (I'll miss being pampered and get to rest all day long... hehehehe) :-P But I'm still contemplating whether want to go to work or not tomorrow.... Hmmmm....

Thank you for all the motivation & support that you left in my previous entry. Sangat-sangat terharu and it feel so good to have buddies that support me through the agony and pain. Thank you so much... i really appreciate it. Take care :-) 


  1. salam..harini baru ada masa bukak balik dan baca blog2 ttc yang lain.Sekali terbaca yang you punya ni.kadang baca tapi tak sempat left any comments pun.maybe you should pamper yourself after what you'be been through. I am not in ur shoes.But then, insyaALLAH I will always pray the best of others who are still trying. You have gone through so many things .Mungkin lepas ni rezeki tu akan take care yer :)

  2. need the rest....if possible ask the gynae for a week off :)

    jangan banyak2 jalan....just rest and watch tv and pamper yourself..

  3. Alhamdulillah....:-)

  4. Anonymous6:36 pm

    dear..hopefully there is miracle for you soon.ok..doa banyak2.

  5. strong ade baca ur previous n3..but x sempat nk left any comments..alhamdulillah u r getting better..yup..retail theraphy is the best theraphy ever..hihi

  6. nina,doa aku mengiringi..wish that i can hug u..

  7. Anonymous11:33 am

    salam nina..aku farazehan ni..aku minta maaf sbb lost contact terus dgn ko..aku dpt tau ttg blog ko ni dari strong dear..aku tau betapa sukarnya apa yg sedang ko alami ni..aku doakan ko berjaya dgn apa yg sedang ko usahakan. aku tak dpt no hp dudlu aku try call tak no hp aku 0122993732

  8. noora doakan rezeki kita semua sampai tahun ni juga..amin..rezeki Allah..tak siapa boleh duga..kuat k=)

  9. alhamdulillah u're ok now. dont ever give up. stay strong..


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