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Put yourself in Other people shoes

Tema hari ni: put yourself in other people shoes. You may understand them better.

Sepanjang perjalanan (err... not during the flight of course) wassap group rakan2 skolah i x putus2 dgn message. One thing that i luv about this group (let's call it group puteri - our boarding school panggil pelajar perempuannya pelajar puteri) everybody is so sporting and open when it come to sharing opinion.

topic of discussion - how to handle teenagers (yes...anak2 kawan i ramai yg nak meningkat remaja dah). It was a lively discussion, with everybody sharing their experience and opinion. A friend pointed out that we need to understand them. Teenager is an awkward age. Macam lagu britney spears - not a girl, not yet a woman (well, the person who brought up the issue has a teenage girl). We need to be in their shoes, and by doing that of course kami mengimbau kembali zaman2 kami ketika remaja and how we acted at that time. To see the resemblance and also the difference (with technologies & media social influences) and perhaps being more understanding parent.

And again, during my flight to Bintulu. A baby (less than a year i believe) menangis sepanjang flight masa berlepas and during the flight start to descend sampai la mendarat. May be air pressure changes kat telinga kot yg menyebabkan baby tu rasa sakit and nangis. Menangis kuat sangat, macam kena dera la...  semua serba tak kena. A few times the stewardess check the baby and the mother, should the mother needs any help (i duduk satu row ngan diorang, but opposite side). I can only wonder how the mother would feel. And luckyly, it seems that everybody in the flight really understanding on the situation, coz tak de pulop yg complaint or anything. But i bet the mother pun mesti rasa helpless x tau nak buat cemana... (ada cara ke nak relief air pressure for baby yg naik kpl terbang eh?)

And lastly, to share my story... This happened long time ago at my old offices. I can't remember what was exactly we were talking about. Perhaps about me needed to take medical leave for my laparascopy operation and they need to cover me for a while (of course after that they asked why so i just explained my condition and my treatment). A colleague of mine did say "Akak ni pantang kena sentuh, mesti pregnant". I was like... huh??? to say that to me when i was in 'kind of sad' situation... huhuhu...sungguh tak sensitif. I don't need that kind of comment and comparison. And being only in 3rd year of marriage and receive comment like that, it really bothered me at that time. (Now, I couldn't care less. I'm that happy with my life :-) ).

So the message of this writing (i couldn't sleep tonight by the way...) put yourself in other people shoes, it may make u understand them better, and so that you would not give comment or do something that would hurt other people.

(mata...pls la tido...)


  1. kenapa tak boleh tidur ni...??? hihiks :D

    1. over caffeine consumption... hikhikhik ;-)

  2. Pasal nak relief from air pressure tu tak pasti tp maybe boleh cuba....cuba bg dia minum susu...kalo sepanjang perjalanan tu kalo dia boleh dia mkn or minum...mcm kite org dewasa la kan...isap gula2....mcm tu la kot...
    Luckly mase luni 11bulan naik flight ke bangkok...sepanjang perjalanan dia tdo...sbb dia jenis bila atas kenderaan dia boleh tdo lena...kalo tempat riuh2 mcm kat airport even kat dlm stroller dia jenis tak boleh tdo walaupun penat...alhamdulillah....perjalanan smooth without baby kena air pressure...
    Pasal tajuk entry ni ly stuju sgt2...kite kena memahami dan....kite mengharapkan org memahami kite....pengalaman hidup pernah terasa sgt2 org ckp gitu...'akak style pantang disentuh...menjadi je'...maybe niat hati dia nak menunjuk dan tup tup dia memang kena balasan...ya Allah....bukan kite terase dan berdoa yg bukan2 utk dia kena segalanye Allah yang Maha Mengetahui....

  3. betul tu, kalau kita tak letakkan diri kita ditempat orang itu, maka jangan nak komen lebih2..

    1. sebab tu ada pepatah 'sebab mulut badan binasa kan...

  4. wa.. nina g bintulu.. tu hometown sue.. hee :). Kat ofis ada kawan yg dah kematian husband. dia muda lagi anak pon kecik2, and kitaorg semua close, kalau dia ada tak pernah sekalipon kitaorg merungut cakap hubby tu hubby ni ke.. takut dia sensitif.. tapi Kadang tulah kita kalau exited bercakap mcm tak sedar dah sensitiviti org kan. huhu. tu yang fikir2 balik rasa bersalah kalau ada terlepas cakap ke menda..

    1. wah... ye ke...pesat membangun bandar bintulu tu :-)


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