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The number is moving!!!! (At last)

A wonderful day, today was.

Woke up in the morning, as usual, i akan timbang berat i. And today, Alhamdulillah...the number yang dok turun naik turun naik the same range has finally moving down! I was so happy!!! (clap...clap...clap...). At last.... hehehhe....

OK, since number dah gerak turun, I'm so bersemangat nak teruskan progress turun ni. And makin menambah semangat bila pagi tadi ada check up free sempena aktiviti kat opis lama i. I was invited to join their health day (coz dorang nak buat official majlis farewell for me as well).

A talk from National Kidney Foundation (NKF) on Kidney Health. Insaf kejap tengok how our lifestyle could affect our health....
NKF was invited to give a talk and they did the health check up as well. The health check up is free, except for cholesterol level check (RM5). Health chk up tu ada check up on sugar level in blood, waist circumference, BMI as well as urine test for kidney chk up. So apa result my chk up??

Well, gula dlm darah : 6.1. Sebab i dah makan an hour before the blood test,  so it considered normal.. I remembered, in June last year 6.1 was my fasting glucose in blood. So this is an improvement :-) Cholesterol level i 4.56. Consider normal gak. But higher than the last test i took in June which is 3.95. Errr... too much fried food ke ni?? My circumference (ukur lilit pinggang) is OK. 3 cm less than the max allowed (yellow alert here...dekat sgt dah tu...). Urin analysis, i x leh buat coz AF is with me (CD5).

And the final chk up is - my BMI. Yang ni I tak agree dgn penimbang yg NKF bawak. Ahahahha... U knw why??? Coz based on penimbang tu, i was 3 kilo heavier than my weight yg i timbang pagi tadi. And when i asked my 2 other friends, berat dorang pon jadi tambah 3 kilos. So i conclude that the BMI calculation yg dia buat tak betul. And i stand by my weight yg i timbang pagi tadi. Hehehehehe... buleh?? Anyway, based on my weight pagi tadi, my BMI should be 23.56 - which is normal!!! Yey!!! Seronok sebab i dah keluar range overweight :-)

And after the chk up, they explain all the result and recommend what we need to do (biasa la... healthy diet and senam).  They explain about the chk up in detail (tu yg banyak conteng2 kat kertas tu...heheheh).

Well... I guess, i dah improve dari the last time i check up (June last year... err... kecuali cholesterol part...naik sket). Hopefully, i dapat teruskan momentum ni and get into my ideal weight.

How about u? When was ur last health chk up?


  1. every month..hihihi
    last month timbang berat saya naik 3kilo hahaa

    biar betul penimbang tu..

    1. consider timbang tu x betul je su... heheheh...

  2. Wah,seronoknya.akak ni kalau setakat jaga makan takde maknanya turun.kena wat work out jugak which is bilolah den nak start?huhu

    1. hehehhe...x pe kak, slow2... akak nak FET kan?

  3. Clap..clap..clap! Congrate ST...means that aktiviti fizikal yg ST buat dah mula bantu usaha lose weight ST skrg ni...chaiyok!

    1. TQ Yani...kena teruskan usaha lagi ni :-)

  4. L bru buat checkup minggu lepas. Dekat farmasi area umah L ade wat promosi pe tah..just grab n check. Result semua ok. xboleh nk compare sbb sebelum ni xpenah buat. Kalau penah pun xpenah amik tau brape result tu heheh. Tahniah ST berjaya kurangkan berat. Samalah kita, tengah sama2 usaha BMI L skrg dah 21.5 target BMI 20. Share la ape exercise yg ST wt.. wat entry psal tu k.. nak bace hehe

    1. hehehhe...inshaAllah, nanti i share... ok la tu L, result semua OK. kena maintain je :-)

  5. waaah congrats dear! best best ada penurunan.. and seronok kalau boleh check up free ni. saya last check up time 2005 dulu. ya Allah lama sangat tak check up ni.

    1. zura, lamo sgt dah tu... 9 years ago... sama usia kahwin i... hikhikhik...


  7. lamenye xwat full body check up..huhu..tkut plak bile skrg diet xtentu hala

    1. la buat asma'... yg basic2 je... cholesterol, gula dlm darah, BMi tu semua bleh kira sendiri :-)

  8. sue tak pernah buat detail check up camni.. kat mana ye boleh buat?
    sue masih lagi overweight... huwaaa... over n over lagi tu..huhuh

    1. sue, company i slalu buat health event. tu yg slalu ada check up free tu... x pe sue, jgn putus asa... teruskn usaha ya..


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