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90 days challenge : You are most welcome to join :-)

A few people tanya i, bleh ke nak join 90 days challenge ni? I x de la buat competition ke apa... to me, this 90 days challenge is helping me in terms of reducing my weight in short term basis with a realistic goal. And if done consistently, boleh ada banyak penurunan yang terkumpul dalam masa setahun. I x boring sebab short term. And result diukur dalam masa 3 bulan, which is achievable.

So, if u all nak turunkan berat badan dengan cara ni, tentu saja boleh. Ni i x de patent ke apa... heheheh... i'd love to see more people move into healthy weight loss program and healthy lifestyle. So you are most welkam to join this 90 days challenge.

Yang penting kena disiplin :-) sekali sekala terbabas, x pe... asalkan kita ingat semula nak kembali ke pangkal jalan... heheheh... to tell u the truth, blogging actually help me a lot in reducing weight. ye la... bila kita cakap and tulis selalu, benda tu dok dalam kepala kita and inshaAllah we will do it.

Bagi yg nak join 90 days challenge ni, x de syarat apa pun... u just need to blog about your progress. Yang penting, at the end of 90 days, u shall post an entry on the result of your weight loss. And what is your next action. I shall post my 90 days challenge result too... so u boleh letak ur link on your result entry kat ruangan komen i nanti. Let us monitor each other's progress. I read it somewhere, kebarangkalian nak loose weight lebih tinggi jika u ada buddy/kawan in loosing weight.

So, let's live a healthy life :-) you are most welcome to join 90 days challenge.


  1. Saya join..nnt nak update blog. Harap istiqamah la..hoho

    1. Yey! welkam...inshaAllah, buleh istiqamah :-)

  2. Replies
    1. TQ nana...lama x update blog nana :-)

  3. macam best.. tpi kita ni culass.. how eh?? nak reduce weight gakkk!

    1. Start sikit2 zue...mula dengan jaga pemakanan... ikut formula kevin zahri - 1 penumbuk size for carb, 1 telapak tangan punya size for protein and semangkuk sayur2 n buah2. in between meal ambik snack buah2 or kacang2. InshaAllah, boleh...

  4. Wah menarik cabaran ni. Siap ada unsur2 SMART. I dah follow ur suggestion hari tu tapi I tak consider it as 90 days challenge. I tak kira pun berapa hari tapi rasanya tak sampai 90 hari. I manage to loose 4 kgs. I jaga makan. Kalau tambah dengan senaman maybe lebih banyak boleh turun. Thanks ST. Bila ada kawan memang best.

    1. Alhamdulillah... banyak juga Atie turun dgn jaga pemakanan je :-) seronok i baca ur comment.

  5. I'm in..I'm in....aci tak kalau Yani join dengan consume product (HL)? Ke ST nak yg join weight loss naturally? :)

    1. Jom Yani... x kisah... consume product ke, x consume product ke... boleh je... coz kadang ada jugak yg amik product tapi x consistent. So hopefully bila join ni, dia bleh monitor progress dia :-)

    2. Baik! So, I'm totally in....

  6. nak nak joinnnn.. misi nak turun 10kg 2014 ni! step 1 is???

    1. jom ida... 1st step, set target nak turun berapa in 3 months. If ida target 10kg this year, may be from Jan to March ida target turunkan 3 kilo je. Pastu, ida blog about your progress, usaha2 ida...jaga pemakanan ke, exercise ke... (yg ni x wajib..nak share buleh, tanak pon x pe). Pastu at the end of the 90 days, which is 31st March, ida blog about result yg ida achieved, and your plan forward (i.e renew balik azam n determination. heheheh). Senang je kan :-) Welkam to 90 days challenge. Kalau rasa susah, start dgn jaga pemakanan dulu (like my comment kat zue atas ni).

    2. haaa..sue pun nak join... thanks for sharing dis info.. hehehhehe

    3. Welkam sue...welkam :-)

  7. thanks for your comment at my blog...
    i'm in! hehe.. inshaAllah..

  8. saya pon sedang dalam process nak turunkan berat badan jugak. alhamdulillah walaupun tak banyak adalah turun 3 kilo in 1 month. nanti nak blog about it jugak;ah. so that termotivate. sekarang berat static je, lemah semangat dah ni.. huhu..

    1. bagus zura, sharing dalam blog memang help me a lot. tak pe... semangat ni memang kena recharge selalu :-)

  9. Nak join jugak...
    Dari awal tahun dah start workout and healthy diet. Tapikan... entah berat macam naik je... hohohoho..

    1. u r most welcome to join zarith :-) berat naik coz muscle mass dah naik kot? hehehhe...cer u tgk balik calories intake VS calories yang keluar... kalo defisit sepatutnya berat turun.

  10. ida dtg semula. mac-mei. harap harap berjaya 3kilo! ida amik poster yekkk tepek kat blog. tenkiuuuuu ;))

    1. ohhh...boleh je...welcome! and good luck! :-)


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