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Random rambling...

Skang tgh pkol 4.01 am. Terbangun pkol 3.05 am tadik... nk terkucil. Ujan tengah lebat tadik. Siap petir guruh sumer... lps pi toilet, terus mata nih x leh lelap.... terkebil kebil bijik mata nih dlm gelap. Hubby syok je berdengkur kt sblh nih...

Ke sbb siang tadik puas tido eh? Aktiviti i sepanjang 2WW - tido. ye..... tido memenuhi separuh aktiviti harian i. Kadang tu bukan sengaja (eh?). Jadual pemakaian ubat i ye lah pkol 7.30 am, pkol 3.30 pm and last 11.30 pm. And since ubat tu kena pakai ikut 'bawah' (additional progesterone supplement) so haruslah i berbaring sekitar sejam dua lps memakai ubat tu... bila dah baring.... apa lagik... kompem la tidur kan.... huhuhuhu... (tapi dh banyak tido pun apsal x tambah cantik gak eh? Muahahahaha... beauty sleep.... get it? Lawak tak jadi...abaikan).

Selain dari tido, ye lah aktiviti surfing... of course la surf internet...takkn la surfing kt pantai kot kn... i blogwalking semua blog yg i follow, cuma x banyak tinggal jejak i.e komen. Sbb in addition to that, tgn ni sibuk dok google semua benda tentang 2WW reading other people experience n comparing it with myself. Dari what happend after egg collection, to when is the earliest symptom can be felt. Huhuhu.... sungguh x dinasihatkn google benda2 ni coz u'll end up frustrating urself n making urself more confuse as to whether u r preggy or not. But google benda2 ni dh jadik mcm kemestian lak... walaupun i try restrain myself and x la google sekerap masa my 1st IVF dulu (and mostly i dah baca pun all those website tu...).

Another activity - tengok TV. tapi yg nih selalunya mlm la i nk conquer tv pun. Sbb siang i banyak tido, i kasik my DH yg turut cuti hampir sebulan utk temankn i tengok sport channel dia waktu nih. Eh... banyak sgt ke waktu i tido nih? My typical day after embryo transfer - 6.30 am, bangun solat subuh etc, sementara tunggu nk pakai ubat i main game tribez i (dah 4 pulau i), then pakai ubat n baring a.k.a tido sampai 9 am. Bangun, mandi, breakfast, surf internet blogwalking, tgk youtube dgr ceramah ke, tgk funny advert ke bergantung pada mood, pastu kompem tetido sampai tghari. Kalo terbangun, sambung main game or surf internet, mkn tenghari, solat zohor n pakai ubat 3.30 pm. Pastu sambung baring sampai asar sambil main game or surf internet n solat asar. Lps asar baring dpn tv lak tgk la tv sampai maghrib. Mandi, solat maghrib, solat isyak, dinner n baring dpn tv smpai pkol 11.30 pm. Pakai ubat, kalo x ngantuk sambung baring tgk tv, or masuk bilik baring smbil surf internet or terus tido. least for 3 days after embryo transfer mmg keje i dok baring je with my feet put up over a few pillows. Well, i ikut nasihat doctor yg suruh i relax je n baring so that my tubes pun in relax mode hence reduce risk of rhe water frm my hydrosalphinges mengalir ke rahim.

Hm... banyak plak entry nih...tadik mcm x de benda nk tulih. It's 4.36 am now. Hujan sambung balik nih...tadik dh berenti kejap. I pun nk try sambung tido. Till then,... have a blast tuesday everyone! :-)


  1. saya dulu masa awal2 ttc pun, elok ovulate je sibuk je surf internet tengok lepas ni telur ke mana pula. Ada rasa sengal sikit mesti terus rasa oohhh dah bercantum kot dgn "mr.s". Hahah Wpun lastly frust sikit tapi setiap bulan pun mesti nak juga buat benda yang sama. Macam kepuasan jer. heheh

    1. Kannn.... Asik2 nk google je sume benda... Huhuhuhu.....

  2. sungguh x dinasihatkn google benda2 ni coz u'll end up frustrating urself n making urself more confuse as to whether u r preggy or not

    true! i am also waiting for ur news, akak :) anything, i ada je untuk u, k :D

    1. X leh tolong kan...gatal je tgn ni...

  3. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Google not good for health. Too much info susah nak filter... Tapi I pun sama antu google juga :) too hard to resist! Have a good rest. It's all in HIS hands now. Take care dear.. I will jenguk2 u here so keep us updated ok.

    1. I rasa semua yg ttc mesti antu google gak... :-) tq N, will update soon.

  4. Hahaha i yang takde apa apa ni pon tak nak ketinggalan jugak. Masuk 7dpo aje bertambah rancak i dok google. Tak pernah jemu walau dah bertaun. :')

    1. They should categorise google as an addiction la sash... Or supplement kot...Ttcian life is incomplete without it ;-)

  5. Sblm buat ivf sweet ada buat apa2 operation tak..

    1. B4 my 1st ivf i ada buat laparascopy, bersihkn endo n d&c buang polip. That was in 2011. Pastu on lucrin 3 months. Got my 1st period terus buat ivf. For this second ivf, x de buat apa2 ops. Sambung je bila rasa dh ready nk buat.

    2. sweet buat kt hospital pantai ke ivf......

    3. Ya, both time kt pantai bangsar.

    4. buat laparascopy pun kt hospital pantai ker?.. berapa kos yer kt sana....rasa2nya nak try jumpa dr kt hospital pantai.....huhuhuhu........

    5. Ya, semua procedure i kt pantai. Untuk laps i buat guna insurance company. Dalam 8-9K kot masa tu. Bleh pakai insurance coz doc diagnosed endometriosis. My own cost is on IVF and follow up dengan doctor.


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