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Renewal of Resolution.

I think almost every year i had to renew my resolution on 'this'. But in the end, I still ended up the same... nothing goes down...instead 'it' goes up. Year in, year out... Sama je.

I'm sure you can tell what 'this' means... ye.... saya nak turunkan berat badan saya. I think, my current weight is the heaviest I have so far in my entire life. I need to shed off this excessive weight soon.

As per written by one of the blogger, kita tak rasa the urgency nak turunkan berat badan sebab we think we have an entire year to do it. I pun rasa tu ada betulnya... Ada juga yang kata target tak realistik untuk dicapai menyebabkan kita putus asa di tengah jalan... ya...ada juga betulnya... And some says lack of motivation and urgency causing us to 'delay' the weight loss process. Maklum la...ada masa setahun kan... Well... that is so true....

Tapi sekarang ni, I do have the urgency to shed off my weight. My health condition need to be tip top for the IVF process that we planned sometime this year. I read it in the internet that ovum cycle is 90 days. To maximise our chance in IVF, we need to have good eggs (huhuu...everytime referring the ovum as telur makes me feel like chicken). And to have good eggs, we need to ensure my hormon is stable and ok. For my hormon to be ok, i need to have a healthy body. A healthy body = not overweight + regular exercise. Hence, the weight loss and the recent exercise regime (hahaha...x la regime sgt, sikit-sikit je...)

Sekarang ni I watch what goes in and what goes out... the calories I mean. I started to jot down apa yg masuk perut I and I congak2 (or the exec word is tengok kat internet) how many calories I burned after I exercise. Actually this routine is very new. Since new year hari tu... Mula2 mmg malas nak catat... tapi lama2 dah ok.  In addition to that, I started using stairs more than I use lift. More walking is equal to more calories burn. I also ensure I drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day. Semua2 ni I recorded using myfitnesspal. Hopefully I akan teruskan good habit ni. Bukan la hot hot chicken dung... Hahahaha

I tak target tinggi. I just want to reduce 5% of my body weight within this 3 months. which is equivalent to 3 kilos. ( u know what is my current weight!) A kilo per month... Can I do it? Hopefully I can. Doakan I ye...

And now, I'm officially in my 90 days challenge. Anyone wants to join me? :-)


  1. wah u pun dah bersemangat nak turunkan berat badan. I ni memang hot hot chicken dung. Dah register kat gym tp dua bulan je pergi. uwaaa...bagi semangat U kat I sikit boleh?hahaha

    1. Give me A, Give me T, Give me I, Give me E...Gooooo ATIE!!!! (sambil imagine I buat cheerleader dancing...hahahahah!) Jom Atie, kita sama2 usaha...start sikit2 je dulu... better than nothing :-)

  2. Ahkak makan la brown rice kan less calories. Hahahaha cheh tetiba nak promote diri sendiri pon tak betul :P good luck dear!!!

    1. Sash, InshaAllah, nanti akak try cuba test... heheheh... X pe, sharing is caring kan :-)

  3. ehh..sama le azam kita :-), cuma u punya weight tak perlu turun byk cam i skrg ni..huhu :-( ..come, let's take the challenge nak..hehe..hopefully tercapai la hasrat kita ni yer sweet..ermm :-)

    1. umie, 5% yang i nak turunkn tu because doc said turun at least 5% dah dapat improve fertility... my ideal weight jauh lagi nak capai tu... tapi, so untuk lebih realistik and tidak terbeban, tu yang target 5%. Jom join i ya :-)

    2. sweet, i cuba mula dengan makan nasi segenggam dulu skrg...hehe azam je lebih biggest prob is that x mkn i'm trying to find the best diet yg boleh dicontohi..kalau u ada apa2 effort alternative, let me know ya :-)

  4. Anonymous7:58 am

    nak join... nnt update selalu tau...
    leh amik semangat..-ween

    1. You are most welcome to join ween :-) InshaAllah will try to update as frequent as possible.

  5. Yeayy! Me me! Count me in babe. Hehe. I pon nak try kurang at least 1 kg per month. I pon plan to go for another level of TTC treatment this year. Kena pastikan health tip top dulu. Goooo girl! Hehe.

    1. U 2 yaya :-) smg kita sama2 berjaya mencapai matlamat kita

  6. salam perkenalan..tq follow blog sy..
    put u in my blog list oredy =)


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