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Memang dugaan... ke cabaran?

Im outstation until wednesday. Hubby x leh ikut coz keje (sob...sob...) But, this is not the challenge.

Mcm biasa la... bila program di hotel, boleh ke kalo x makan melampau? Muahaha... tu la cabaran i skna nih...

Nampaknya, baru hari pertama smalam i dah menderhaka kepada program diet i. Kemain nanysk calories intake sampai i x sanggup nk kira dah... (dessert! dessert is the culprit!). Mlm plak belasah nasi arab kambing....Adoi... x mustahil i'll gain back my weight yg dah hilang x seberapa tu...

Ya Allah, berikan aku kekuatan....Amin...

In the meantime, enjoy the pic of the room. Quite awesome kan? Sesuai kalo nk honeymoon.... (sob...sob...wish u were here abg...).


  1. u outstation gi mana ni?
    hotel dia mcm best jer :D

    1. Hahahah...budet outstation cm jauh serious best la... Mmg sesuaikalo nk berehat

  2. Replies
    1. Mrs Yana, i pun teruja first time tgk...

  3. Alaaa balik rumah nanti sambung diet balik :D enjoyyy! Hikhik

    1. Muahahaha.... Yg penting kita enjoy....(gaya nora danish)

  4. cantiknya bilik..kat mana tu?

  5. wahhhhhh bestnye bilik tuh. mmg syok klu cik abe ade sekali. wiiiiiii

  6. beshnya bilik.. katne ni?

    1. Hehheheheh....tunggu nxt entry k :-)

  7. Klu berkursus, diet musnah kan! Dah la makan 6x sehari.. kahkahkahahhh

    1. Betul kan eida.... Macam wajib plak makan 6 kali sehari...mmg parah... Huhuhuhu :-)

  8. wow cantiknye.. hotel ape ni? isyh kalau sy dtg sorang pun nanges tringat kat life partner huhu!

    1. Tu la... Mmg x seronok dtg sengsorang...

  9. sweet tooth

    dia punya katil mmg awesome...rugi hubby x ikot...kiki...
    pd saya,kalau kursus kt hotel mmg kje mkn gamaknya dh la ofis bayar,abaikan jap diet tu.. ingat senang nk dpt mkn mewah meriah...hahaha...

    take care darling...;)

    1. Sbb x nak membazirkan duit company la i makan dgn bersungguh-sungguh.. Hehehhehehehe :-)

  10. sweet, xpe2..njoy mkn dessert tu for few days je kan..lepas ni continue your diet balik k :-) ...cantik bilik tu n surely a nice place kan..


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